For most of America I am sure you know this amazing ray of sexyness from Glee, but for the other 3.8% of dumbfuck America who have not been keeping tabs on the awesomeness that is Glee...let me introduce you to Mr. Darren Criss. Criss made his debut this past Tuesday as a new "love" interest for Kurt on Glee, and while we are not to sure if he will be around for a few episodes, we are glad he has made footprint in our minds. He is my crush of the week because lets face it the guy can sing, and not just on Glee, but in all his music, which you can find on iTunes and myspace. The boy is amazingly sexy but over all his lips and voice are what make him...well FN GEE-OR-GEOUS! Take a listen to his version of Katy Perry's annoyingly addicting "Teenage Dream" His version is much much better!
Here is the link to his my______ for the 16 people left who still use the site.
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