First of all, I would like to thank and Paramount for offering a free screening in Houston. I would have seen the movie either way, but I feel like Paramount is one of the few big time movie making companies that took the time to listen to the fans and used the whole "DEMAND IT" marketing from the first one and implement it again. Well done. Now that that is out of the way let's review the film shall we?
Paranormal Activity 2 is by far one of the scariest films ever made. I would proclaim it (standing next to the first film obviously) the best horror film made this decade. Now while I have been to plenty of horror films, I have never been to a movie that scared me as much as this one did. (as well as the first)
Paranormal Activity 2 does in deed take place before the events of the first film and ends the day after the first film. I thought that was a clever way to tie the two films together. Making Paranormal Activity a small part of a story, and Paranormal Activity 2 an overall explanation of the WHOLE story. Think of it as a prequel/sequel if you will, even if technically the sequel part is only about the last ten minutes of the movie. The film takes place a couple of months before the first film, introducing Kristi (the sister of Katie from the first film) and her husband, her step-daughter, Abbey the dog and Hunter, the couples new born baby boy. The films starts of slow, but in a good way. We want to know who these people are, and we want to connect with them. (I'll admit, I went into the movie kinda figuring what was gonna happen, but with an open mind.) The film uses the same elements from the first one, but uses them more to their advantage. After introductions, which are filmed with a camcorder by the sixteen year old step-daughter as a kind of "Welcome to the world Hunter" home movie, and quickly turn into "Let me get this crazy shit happening on film" home movie, Katie (PA1) comes over to visit and shortly after she leaves Kristi's house had been vandalized. Every room in the house damaged and ransacked, every room that is but baby Hunter's who is now about a year old. Also note, that nothing is stolen from that house except a bracelet that was given to Kristi from her sister Katie.
As a security precaution the husband, trying to be the alpha-male that he is, installs six security cameras throughout the house. The front walk=way, the pool, the living room, the kitchen, The front entry way the shows the front door and stairway, and the Hunter's room. The footage from these cameras mixed with the footage from the handheld HD camera are what make up the film. While there are a few questions to be answered (they are not difficult ones to answer for yourself) the film does it purpose and scares the hell out of the viewer using the fact that you can't see the demon. Doors move by themselves, shadows move over people, and in two scenes people either float or are dragged by unseen forces. I was very impressed with this film and if you like getting the crapped scared out of yourself, make it a point to go. The film has SEVERAL jump scenes and like I said before totally makes use of the everything the first one did and heightened it in every way, and the ending wasn't half bad at all! Make sure you don't go and see it alone. And just like the first one, when you hear heavy base and footsteps you know shit is about to go down! You have been warned. :)
Visit to check out the trailer!
**** out of ****